

These LIFASA capacitors are designed to be connected in series with INR or INA reactors, in order to build up low tuning (fr = 189 Hz) Harmonic Protection Filters (Capacitor rated powers indicated in the table, are achieved when connected to the reactors). FMLF capacitors have been specially developed taking into account that, when connected to the reactors, they work at a voltage higher than the supply voltage. Inductance value of reactors and capacitance value of FMLF capacitors
are specially calculated to ensure that, when connected in series, the reactive power of the filter is as given on the name plate.
Technical Characteristics
Tensi¨®n nominal/Rated voltage ........................460 V
Frecuencia/Frequency ........................................50 Hz - 60 Hz
Diel¨¦ctrico/Dielectric ..........................................Polipropileno/Polypropylene
Resistencia descarga/Discharge resistors ......Integradas/Fitted
P¨¦rdidas diel¨¦ctricas/Dielectric losses ............¡Ü 0.2 W/kvar
P¨¦rdidas totales/Total losses ............................¡Ü 0.4 W/kvar
Sobretensi¨®n max./Max. Overvoltage ..........1.1Un
Sobrecorriente max./Max.Overcurrent ..........1.3 In
Nivel de aislamiento/Insulation level ..............3/15 kV
Tolerancia de potencia/Power tolerance ......-5/+10%
Gama climatica/Climatic range ......................-40/ D (55 oC)
Bornes/Terminals .................................................M10
Color/Colour ........................................................RAL7035
Normas/Standards .............................................,


400/460V 50Hz 7%
Part number Qn (kvar)
In (A)
h (mm)
Qn (kvar)
In (A)
In (A)
Reactor Price (€)
FMLF4612 12 15,4 270 3.5 12,1 16 10 14.4 INR40107 325,24
FMLF4618 18 23,2 270 3.5 18,2 24 15 21.7 INR40157 413,44
FMLF4625 25 31 270 4.2 24 32 20 28.9 INA40207 468,56
FMLF4631 31 38,6 270 5 30,3 40 25 36.1 INA40257 529,20
FMLF4637 37 46,3 270 5 36 48 30 43.3 INA40307 628,43
FMLF4649 49 61,7 460 6.8 48 64 40 57.7 INA40407 733,16
FMLF4661 61 77,2 460 8.2 60 79 50 72.2 INA40507 865,46
FMLF4674 74 92,6 460 9 73 95 60 86.6 INA40607 1.030,84
FMLF4698 98 124 550 10.9 97 127 80 115.5 INA40807 1.212,75
690/790V 50Hz 7%
Part number Filter
Qn (kvar)
In (A)
Un (V)
Un (V)
h (mm)
Reactor Price (€)
FMLF7906 5 4.2 690 790 270 2,8 INR69057 On
FMLF7912 10 8.4 690 790 270 3.5 INR69107
FMLF7915 12.5 10.5 690 790 270 3.5 INA69127
FMLF7918 15 12.6 690 790 270 3.5 INA69157
FMLF7924 20 16.7 690 790 270 4.2 INA69207
FMLF7930 25 20.9 690 790 270 5 INA69257
FMLF7937 30 25.1 690 790 270 5 INA69307
FMLF7943 35 29.3 690 790 460 6.8 INA69357
FMLF7946 37.5 31.4 690 790 460 6.8 INA69377
FMLF7949 40 33.5 690 790 460 6.8 INA69407
FMLF7961 50 41.8 690 790 460 8.2 INA69507
FMLF7973 60 50.2 690 790 460 9 INA69607
FMLF7985 70 58.6 690 790 550 10.2 INA69707
FMLF7991 75 62.8 690 790 550 10.9 INA69757
FMLF7998 80 66.9 690 790 550 10.9 INA69807
415/480V 50Hz 7%
Part number Filter
Qn (kvar)
In (A)
Un (V)
Un (V)
h (mm)
Reactor Price (€)
FMLF4806 5 7 415 480 270 3.5 INR41057 On
FMLF4812 10 13.9 415 480 270 3.5 INR41107
FMLF4816 12.5 17.4 415 480 270 4.2 INA41127
FMLF4819 15 20.9 415 480 270 4.2 INA41157
FMLF4825 20 27.8 415 480 270 5 INA41207
FMLF4831 25 34.8 415 480 460 6.8 INA41257
FMLF4837 30 41.7 415 480 460 6.8 INA41307
FMLF4844 35 48.7 415 480 460 7.5 INA41357
FMLF4847 37.5 52.2 415 480 460 7.5 INA41377
FMLF4850 40 55.6 415 480 460 7.5 INA41407
FMLF4862 50 69.6 415 480 460 9 INA41507
FMLF4875 60 83.5 415 480 550 10.2 INA41607
FMLF4887 70 97.4 415 480 650 12.2 INA41707
FMLF4893 75 104.3 415 480 650 13 INA41757
FMLF4899 80 111.3 415 480 650 13 INA41807

Other ratings, voltages and frequencies available on request.

Static Capacitor Banks
Traditional reactive power compensation equipment with electromechanical contactors, has a well proven performance in installations where the load has, slow variations and it is not very sensitive to voltage fluctuations. Today, however, more and more industrial installations include electronic equipment very sensitive to voltage variations (PLC, computers, etc.) And also very fast changing working cycles (automatic welding machines, robots, etc.).
Reactive power compensation with static contactors offers the best answer to these new industry requirements.
LIFASA automatic capacitor banks with static contactors, use thyristors instead of traditional contactors. The thyristors switch-on capacitors on zero crossing voltage, and switch them off on zero current situation.
This firing strategy grants a totally transient free switching of power capacitors, avoiding any problem with transient overvoltages.
This transient free switching gives a very fast reaction time of the power factor equipment with sudden reactive power demand variations. This reaction time (the time to switch on or off a capacitor step) is usually not higher than 20 milliseconds. This means that up to 25 operations per second are possible.
LIFASA automatic capacitor banks with static contactors are supplied completely assembled and ready for use: it is only necessary to give them the operation signal from a suitable current transformer, and to connect them to the mains by cables of adequated section. They are composed of the following elements:
Reactive power Controller
These banks use the MCE-F controllers, that are a fast response variation of the MCE series of controllers. These controllers are specially designed for the control of thyristor capacitor banks and are characterized by their optically isolated outputs and also for having an extremely fast response time that can be up to 20 milliseconds.
Control Module
It is formed by an electronic control circuit, that gives the firing pulses to the thyristors to switch on at zero voltage point and to switch off at zero current situation. The control module is assembled on a printed circuit board and receives the action signal from the MCE controller.
Power Module
It is formed by three pairs of thyristors in anti-parallel connection, mounted and assembled on well dimensioned heat sinks, protection fuses and limiting inductances.
These banks use the six terminal versions of FILMETAL and MINIFILMETAL series of power capacitors.
Technical Characteristics

Rated voltages


Rated frequency

50 Hz/60 Hz

Rated power

7.5 ... 960 kvar

Dielectric losses

< 0.2 W/kvar

Capacitors losses

< 0.5 W/kvar

Maximum overvoltage

1.1 Un

Maximum overcurrent

1.3 In


MCE-12 F

Switching on delay

20 ms (typical)

Working programs

1:1:1:1 / 1:2:2:2 / 1:2:4:4

Current transformer

... /5 (Optional)

Temperature range

-25oC/+45 oC max. temp.

Degree of protection




, , ,

Other voltages on request.


Protection Filters
Protection filters
Protection filters are used, in supply networks having a high level of harmonic distortion, when the final objective is reactive power compensation at the fundamental frequency.
Their purpose is to avoid that harmonic currents overload the capacitors by diverting them to the mains. Protection filters are made by connecting reactors in series with capacitors, in such a way that the tuning frequency of the whole unit is set at a value between the fundamental frequency and the frequency of the lowest present harmonic, which is usually the 5th order harmonic. In this the filter has a high inductive impedance for all the harmonic frequencies.
Connection of a reactor in series with a power capacitor, makes the capacitor to work at a voltage higher than the supply voltage. Because of this, capacitors to be connected to protection reactors, need to be designed to work at higher voltages than standard capacitors. The choice of the tuning point of the filter is a balance between the quantity of harmonics rejected by the filter and the voltage increase produced in the capacitor at the fundamental frequency.
It has to be also kept in mind that reactive power supplied by the filter at rated frequency (50 or 60 Hz), is different to the one that the capacitor would supply without the reactor.
Taking all the above into account, the reactor is normally chosen in such a way that its impedance is about 7% the impedance of the capacitor that protects. This will give a tuning frequency, for example at 50 Hz, of 189 Hz. Other tuning frequencies are also available.

Capacitor FMLF
FMLF4612 FMLF7973 FMLF4618 FMLF7985 FMLF4625 FMLF7991 FMLF4631 FMLF7998 FMLF4637 FMLF4806 FMLF4649 FMLF4812 FMLF4661 FMLF4816 FMLF4674 FMLF4819 FMLF4698 FMLF4825 FMLF7906 FMLF4831 FMLF7912 FMLF4837 FMLF7915 FMLF4844 FMLF7918 FMLF4847 FMLF7924 FMLF4850 FMLF7930 FMLF4862 FMLF7937 FMLF4875 FMLF7943 FMLF4887 FMLF7946 FMLF4893 FMLF7949 FMLF4899 FMLF7961
  • µçÁ¦µçÈÝÆ÷Power capacitors

  • г²¨Â˲¨Æ÷Harmonic filters
  • µçÈÝÆ÷¹ñAutomatic Banks

  • ·µ»ØÎ÷°àÑÀLIFASAµçÈÝÆ÷Ê×Ò³
  • ·À»¤Â˲¨Æ÷Protection filters
  • ÎÞ¹¦¹¦ÂÊ¿ØÖÆÆ÷Reactive power controllers
  • ¸½¼þAccessories and auxiliary