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- 台湾SEW指針高電壓絕緣測試計6201IN 2015-06-10 点击:83 评论:0
- 1027 TK ELECTRICAL TEST Kit 电器设备安装、保养、维修测试套件 2015-06-03 点击:50 评论:0
- 8015 PM Power Meter电力设备运行成本测试仪 2015-06-03 点击:67 评论:0
- MDP-50K Multi-Purpose Digital H. V. Phasing Meter多 2015-06-03 点击:65 评论:0
- 台湾SEW 8025 LP数字式回路测试仪Digital LOOP/PSC Tester 2015-03-27 点击:44 评论:0
- 台湾SEW 8015 PM电力表Power Meter 2015-03-27 点击:73 评论:0
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- 台湾SEW 1026 AH操作杆和高压验电器适配器 2015-03-27 点击:42 评论:0
SPECIFICATIONS●Wire length: 1130±30mm PVC insulated wire (1000mm) with connected straight ...
特 點● 使用微處理器系統控制設計。● 高品質吊線式防震表頭。● 絕緣阻抗量測二個檔位供選擇 : 5000V,10000V。● 自動換檔功能。● 電源不足LED亮燈指示。● 外來電...
FEATURES1027 TK is an electrical technician's kit which provides the electrical testing ne...
FEATURES● Determine the running cost of your appliances.● Measure voltage, current, freque...
FEATURES● AC 50kV and DC 50kV measurement with direct reading.● 4000-count LCD.● Input imp...
FEATURES● Battery is not used.● 3digit LCD (2000-count).● Backlight function.● 15mA loop m...
FEATURES● Determine the running cost of your appliances.● Measure voltage, current, freque...
FEATURES● 4000-count LCD.● Auto ranging.● Voltage, Resistance, Continuity, Diode measureme...
SPECIFICATIONS● Material : Nylon● Red and black each (set)● Tip: Knife Stainless steel● Ja...
1026 AH specifications : Content : ADP-HS120(Fuse extractor head) HOK-166 (Disconnect hook...